Aug 11, 2006

I tried to fly to London with a case of Gatorade, a tub of Tresemme shampoo, 4 ipods, and a cell phone I named "the detonator"

Looks like it's been almost two months since I last wrote to my blog. I can't say I have been too busy to write, just everytime I thought to do it or came across something in New York that is worth commenting on, I felt guilty about the fact that I am yet to find full-time-society-acceptable-good-paying-career-advancing-goal-achieving-worthy-of-a-college-graduate employment. Angsty? I think so. Truth is I have been having a great time in New York, it is a very new experience for me, I see new things everyday and there are so many of those small moments I live for that happen in a second and mean so much about society in general. I thought about this fact as I literally stood in a woman's cleavage on an overloaded subway out to my Brooklyn apartment. This was the second train to come as I was waiting while on my way home from work and as it arrived I was determined to get a spot inside. I bullied my way through, acted as big and unapproachable as possible and secured my spot. I tried to read my book (Gathering Storm, Churchill) but it was not a possiblity. I would have had to rest it on some old polish lady's head in order to do this and after what I'm reading the German's did to the Polish, I think she would take it personally that I place a reminder on top of her hairsprayed mane. Anyways, the train took off and as we arrived at the next stop you could see the people standing three deep. Of course, as this is New York, everyone thought they could make it on the train, first and foremost the 3 female nurses averaging about 2 bills apice determined to get on right at the door I was standing. The doors swung open and my mind went straight to the movie Disorderlies when the Fat Boys played three unruly nurses, only this was the female version. They plowed into me like the Dallas Cowboys front line and I found myself just trying to maintain my balance much less hold my ground in my prime spot between the door and the seats. After this episode, the doors close and the train starts to move. As I regained my footing I lean with the train movement and find that i am leaning next to one of the women who had just boarded----on three sides!?!?! I was turned with my left side facing her and my left elboy in her sternum. Then as the train would sort of sway left to right I felt her left and right breast respectively cupping me in her chest as if she was hugging me with her bust. It took everything for me not to look at what this looked like, look her in the eye, look at others around me, laugh, move, or anything. I stood there, closed my eyes and waited until my stop came. Of course this is in and of itself funny in my mind, the site of me nestled in this woman's chest nest but really, it amazes me just how high your tolerance becomes for misery and discomfort in this city and how low your perception of personal space becomes. I mean she could have belted me for fondling her or something and in no other situation could I imagine this being acceptable except on a new york city subway during friday rush hour when the trains are running late as hell and we all want to get home. this is something I love about new york.

i got my wallet stolen, more on that soon...

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