Mar 5, 2007

way too small of a world

Two weeks ago Katie and I went to Chinatown for the Chinese New Year celebration. I am going to attach some pictures from that day, there was a huge celebration in the streets with fireworks, parades, etc. We decided to grab some Chinese food and had researched some good places to eat and decided on a place call Joe's Shanghai. There was about an hour wait to get in and there was no standing room in the restaurant so everyone had to wait outside. It was particularly cold that day so everybody crowded around the door trying to get any breeze of warm air coming from the restaurant as the doors opened. We had been waiting for about a half an hour when a couple ahead of us decided they were no longer waiting. They offered us their number (written on a small sheet of paper), we accepted, and we moved a couple spots up in line. There was also a woman and her child waiting for a table. They were of some asian descent but both spoke perfect english. the daughter was adorable and full of questions. The mother entertained every question and the surrounding adults smiled to each other when she would ask cute questions. All in all is was a good time. The small girl was getting cold so we gave them our extra number and moved them up in line quite a bit. They were very thankful and gracious. Not long after we were seated and didn't see them after that.

Flash forward two weeks. This morning Katie found out that on craigslist someone had reposted a desk from pottery barn that she had bid on two weeks ago and the buyer had backed out and we got the call to go and buy it on the upper east side. Well we rush up there to get this desk, and we walk in this studio apartment and I hear the daughter's voice again; then the mother's. And I see their faces and I am sure it is the same mother and daughter from the restaurant, no doubt in my mind. I am so sure that I decide to say something, but at the same time I was so shocked that I studdered and stumbled over my words and I think I quasi-asked her if she worked at a chinese restaurant (or at least that's what she thought I asked). She immediately said "No" and that that happens all the time. I dropped the subject out of embarrasment and said little more as we paid and moved the desk out.

Once we got back into the car I explained to Katie what exactly it was that reminded me of them and I was so sure. Well she started to believe I may be right but we both agreed that it would be so crazy. When we got home, katie went back and emailed the woman, thanking her for the desk and actually writing what I meant to say.

It was the same person. She obviously did not hear me properly and was thinking of something else but she remembered us and that we had given her our ticket.

How ridiculous is that. A city of 20 million people, 2 couples that couldn't be further apart, and we meet each other twice in two weeks on this island, and now I am typing at her desk in my apartment.

What do we do? Let it go? Make it cocktail party banter? Become friends? Does this mean something bigger? Are we meant to know these people? Or is it just pure coincidence?


At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kismet.....I love this desk so much

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is small world and small kindness come back to warm your heart. Remember the little boy that Melanie had tutored through WTHS Mentoring Program for 2 years? They really shared a bond but she graduated so didn't see him for a while. The next Christmas our family had a sponsored a random and unnamed family through church. When Melanie and I took the food and presents to this other family, it turned out to be the little boy's family she had tutored in high school. It really warmed our hearts to see that he was doing well and remembered her so fondly! What a random coincidence!


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